Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"Nautilus Shell" BP8

In the Gothic time period, lasting from 1100 to 1450 AD, architecture utilized light, height, and balance.
-The Gothic style used large windows to not only further illuminate a space but also as decoration. Churches frequently filled their windows with panes of colored glass, some displaying visual versions of biblical stories. With increased light, the space became warmer and colorful.
-The height of the architecture in the Gothic period related to social and economic status. It was a form of showing off, the taller and more elaborate the structure, the wealthier and better the people.
-Bilateral symmetry is commonly found in Gothic Architecture. This type of symmetry divides the facade into two halves that mirror each other. It represents tranquility and security.

During the Renaissance, 1400-1600 AD, geometry, height, and balance were very important architecturally.
- Light was important not only in the architecture its self but also in the painting on the structure. Architecturally, light was brought in through windows set in tall frames with an arched top. Artistically, chiaroscuro became very popular.
-The height of the architecture during the Renaissance related to social and economic status, more so of the church and government than that of the people. It was a way of them saying that they are bigger, better, and the center of the lives of the people surrounding it.
- Rotational symmetry can be found frequently in the renaissance because there was a lot of circular architecture and emphasis on a central point.

In Baroque , which lasted from 1600 to 1830 AD, light, height, and balance were very important. 
- During the Baroque dramatic contrasts in light and shadow to create a new, theatrical style.
- Baroque style architecture used height to celebrate the power of the Catholic church and to show that they had power not only over the people but were huge influences on the government as well.
- Both rotational and reflection symmetry were popular in this time period because it helped emphasize the center.

As you can see, through out these three time periods light, height, and symmetry have been constant and important in architecture. Although I only emphasized the importance in these few examples, these aspects of design have been present all through out history and continue to be relevant and equally important in today's architecture. 

The image of the nautilus shell shows how older sections of the shell are used to a point but then extended into new sections. These sections have the same contents but also have room for expansion. Similarly, architecture changes and expands through out history but also carries along ideas from the past.

1 comment:

  1. Adrienne, you demonstrated and examined three different time periods and how they relate but I don't see any evidence of fashioning a nautilus shell of images. Perhaps finding images that represent transitions among the Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque periods would help further your understanding that history never abandons a style overnight because there will always be people who are traditional and exploratory.
